Monday, May 10, 2010

There's A Party In My Head And No-One Is Invited

What's up with the dog thing at the end? And why do Can videos always make me feel like I'm being indoctrinated in some way? And how awesome is Damo Suzuki? I can't get enough of that crazy hippie at the moment, I even downloaded the full twenty minute version of that song he did with Now. I can't remember the name of it because it blew my mind right out the window.

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I got so distracted complaining about Bondi's hipsters and people not calling me back yesterday that I forgot to talk about fashion week! Fashion week was hectic dudes, we were so inundated with invitations to shows and yacht parties and coke fueled model orgies that we were kind of paralysed into inaction. I had to fit out my house with new security screens to keep Jeremy Scott from breaking the fucking door down. "Ali!", he was screaming, "All you have to do is make an appearance, and then you can leave!! I'll pay for everything, I'll make sure that Camilla lady keeps her hands outside your clothes, just please show up! If these people don't see you at the party, it'll ruin me!!!!" That Susien Chong broad show was blowing up my inbox with an endless flood of texts. "Hey, hope 2 see u teh show LOL!", "why rnt u here yet??? :(" "show went well, u wuldve luvd it lolol :D". Ugh, the fashion crowd, they drive me up the wall.

No, that's a joke. We didn't get invited to anything. Not that I care or anything, I'm too much into burritos, beer and second hand clothes to mix very well with the fashion types. So yea, take that, fashion industry!
