Sunday, March 21, 2010

Frankly, Mr. Shankly

Oh, man.

I'm an Arts student which means - like most students - I have a piece of shit part time job in the service industry. A symptom of my situation is that for the last four or five years, much like that quiet nerd in the back of the classroom who listens to bands like Anal Cunt and has resolved to wear his "Friends Are For The Weak And Insecure" tee until the message sinks in, I've been quietly but steadily cultivating a unique brand of misanthropy which only my fellows in the service industry can truly appreciate. People are idiots. They're rude, ungrateful, messy, lazy, patronising and sometimes unnecessarily cruel. Granted, I'm speaking very generally but anybody who's worked in hospitality or retail can tell you that it holds true nearly every day in their job.

And this generalisation applies not only to the dicks I'm forced to be nice to, but usually also to the mouth breather who's bossing me around. Hey, boss: I wasn't the one who killed your dream of being an actress. I wasn't the one who knocked you up in the bathroom of your favourite dive bar and then "lost your number". I'm not the one who's witholding your child support and I'm definitely not the one who forced you to become fat and complacent and go on to get a full time job in a crappy suburban supermarket because you dropped out of school at fifteen and don't have any real qualifications. So take your problems to somebody else.

The customers, on the other hand, have a subtly different way of taking out their issues on the nameless person in front of them. For me at least - because my place of work is in a fairly wealthy part of town - they think they can talk down to me because they obviously have more money than I. They think they can come in with their obnoxious children, let said children bully them into buying whatever sugary chemically-altered excuse for food they feel like eating, pay $8 a kilo for Lady Finger bananas when there are regular bananas for $3 a kilo and they're EXACTLY THE SAME DAMN THING, pay $6 for half a handful of blueberries and then treat me like I'm the idiot when I drop one of their pointlessly overpriced bananas on the ground, and it gets a bruise on it. I know you married rich and for some unexplained reason think that that makes you better than me, but why don't you keep your bigoted opinion to yourself and stick to what you're best at it: avoiding sex with your chubby husband.

In case you haven't guessed already, I'm not having the best day.

In more upbeat/relevant news: Mickey Gloss have a new album coming out soonish and there are new songs up right now at their myspace. Jason Crombie still won't shut up about Joan Didion and the goddamn White Album, and Chatroulette is still full of horny naked strangers.


Which is good news for me because, as you can see, I think peen is absolutely hilarious. That's another generalisation because I also think there are some contexts in which penis isn't really to be laughed at. And there are a few specific penii out there which aren't ever going to be funny, no matter what the situation is. So for now, let's just say: Whisky + semi nude people on the internet is always going to equal mirth on my behalf.

There'll be more interviews up here soon, I promise. This isn't going to be another one of those 'Bored White Girl Complains About Her First World Problems' type blogs. Because God knows, the last thing the world needs is another one of those.